In the weeks leading up to Census Day on April 1, 2020, you will receive your census letter in the mail. When you receive this mailing please respond. It only takes a few minutes to ensure you and your family are counted.
You can help shape the future of Mecklenburg County!
More About the U.S. Census
The census is convenient.
Your household will receive a letter asking you to respond. The online response will be in 13 languages. There will also be phone and paper options in English and Spanish.
The census is safe.
The U.S. Census Bureau is required to keep respondent information confidential and secure.
The census is required.
The U.S. Census is required by the U.S. Constitution. Everyone counts – from newborns to senior citizens. Make It Count!
If we are under-counted in 2020, we will lose funding for our community.
Make It Count!